Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Journal of Phillip Grant - Dec 20

That's Corey, the gnome I bought at the consignment store. But how did he get here? I left him by the mailbox. I'm sure I left him by the mailbox. Weird.

I met up in the park with Dad and Uncle Rick. I wasn't to know it at the time, it's the last time I'll see either of them. I fear that the Reaper has been after my older relatives now.

The Journal of Phillip Grant - Dec 15

Last time I wrote, I had discovered that my big brother Sammy and his wife Malia were expecting a new baby. I invited Malia home and Mom just loved finding that she had a new grandchild on the way.

As it turned out, Sammy wasn't the only sibling of mine working on more grandchildren. Eric found out he was going to be a daddy again too. The Shrimp will no longer be the only child in the house.

He's actually quite a nice kid. But there's not a lot of room in this place for more and I did tell Dad that it's getting to be time for Vanessa and I to move out.

Before we do, we should take care of one more thing.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Journal of Phillip Grant - Dec 8

Eric bought new sheets for the beds downstairs.  I hope the Shrimp finds them funny and not scary.  They don't look scary to me but he is a bit young for a design of monsters.

I decided to have a night at the Bistro.  If I had timed it a bit differently, I could have sat with Dad who was on his way in when I was going out.  It was another nice dinner but not nearly as divine as my previous meal.